Yoga Mouth is a social justice organization that breaks barriers to access mindful mental health education and Natural health care. We Teach ancient Yoga psychology and modern mindfulness science in practical and accessible ways.

We are a community that helps you create a lifestyle of joy and wellness.

We encourage real life human connection! You can find us on social media for a quick fix BUT… Please sign up for our REAL LIFE MAILING LIST. Get random, interesting, creative, and educational mindful mail from Yoga Mouth.

Email with your:

Name / Address / Phone Number

We’ll send you some mail and all the invites to our parties and special events. You’ll also get fun mindful messages and goodies in the mail from time to time. Yoga Mouth wants everyone to spend less time on screens and more time in the beauty and chaos of life. Mindfulness is for warriors. Let’s get stick together and stay in touch!